Daisy's Rights In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby, there are a few female characters, Daisy, Myrtle, and Jordan. Daisy is a rich female living in an elegant house, with her husband, Myrtle is poor and living in The Valley Of Ashes, with her husband as well, Jordan is an independent lady, with lots of money from her sport, tennis. The theme of women's rights in The Great Gatsby reflects our society’s current struggles with the equality of women, proving that Fitzgerald’s criticism is still relevant. One main criticism in The Great Gatsby is that women don't leave their husbands if needed to, and how they don't have much control, which is shown by Daisy. We read in the book that Tom started cheating on Daisy with Myrtle. When Daisy soon found out, she couldn't stop him and he just kept …show more content…

As we read farther into the book we see they still stay together the whole book, but both of them know what is going on. This information shows us that women's rights are shown in The Great Gatsby. Even though times have changed, the issue of women's rights is still important. For example, the equality of women shows that women can leave or stop their husbands, just like in Fitzgerald’s time, and continues to affect society. Many women nowadays feel like they can’t leave, that something bad is going to happen to them, or they just feel like they can’t. In the article Issues Faced, they stated that you will see a lack of effort. This relates to The Great Gatsby, we see how Tom slowly stops trying with Daisy, but with Myrtle we see he will buy her anything that she wants, and when Daisy realizes that she doesn't get the same lifestyle as other women, we feel stuck. Also in the same article they also stated that they will start living in denial, we see this in

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