Daisy In The Great Gatsby Essay

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Gatsby’s love for Daisy is not so easily explained by the first two choices. Daisy is in love with Gatsby, but, is married to Tom Buchanan. When Gatsby leaves for the war and Daisy picks him over money. Gatsby is attracted to things Daisy represented. Gatsby things Daisy can help fulfill needs in his life. Daisy loves Gatsby, but, cant leave Tom Buchanan because she is scared. They both love each other, but love each for the wrong reason.
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Gatsby loves Daisy for so many reasons. Gatsby is insanely in love with Daisy. Gatsby loves Daisy for what she is. Daisy is a manipulative, selfish, and confused woman. Daisy only cares for her own well being and how she expected her life to play out. Daisy has many good qualities any man would want. Some of her qualities are a lover , her voice , rich , delicate , and nostalgic. “Her voice is full of money.” - Jay Gatsby Gatsby is attractive to all of Daisy qualities. Daisy has always been to Gatsby not truly a lover, but an accomplishment. This means Gatsby always want a woman since he was a little boy like Daisy. So he finally met her and he completes his goal. Gatsby not a true …show more content…

Gatsby is attracted to what she represents. Daisy Buchanan represents the paragon of perfection. She has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her. Daisy Buchanan represents Gatsby's ideals she is the girl that he feels will complete his life. Before he goes off to war, they are attached, and he has every intention of marrying her when he returns. When he comes back, she chooses money over love. From that point on, he builds his fortune in order to win her. He moves into his house to be closer to her. He builds up a repeating of mystery and praise in order to entice her. She is his every desire. Yet, as Gatsby discovers, she won’t leave

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