Daedalus: A Famous Sculptor In Athens

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Daedalus, a famous sculptor and architect, lived during the time of ancient Greece, in Athens. He gets jealous of his nephew, Talus, who is also famous for sculpting. Daedalus kills him, and horrified, he starts wandering around. Daedalus ends up in Crete, where King Minos “hires” him to build a labyrinth. Daedalus becomes imprisoned, and watches birds and their flight pattern. He makes wings for himself and his son Icarus. Daedalus warns Icarus about not going too high or too low, and as they fly, kept an eye on him. Icarus seemed to be obeying, so Daedalus focused on his own flying. Icarus goes too high, and the wax on his wings melt, and Icarus falls to his death, screaming. Daedalus looks down at the feathered ocean, and realizes that Icarus

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