Daedalus Research Paper

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There are many different aspects that make up Greek Mythology. There are mythical creatures of all kinds. There are also many gods and goddesses. Many people know about the major deities, such as Zeus, Aphrodite, and Hades. However, some people may not know about Daedalus. Daedalus is not necessarily a god, but he is related to them. It is said that he is a descendant of the first King of Athens and is “directly related to the gods, specifically Poseidon and Athena” ("Daedalus and Icarus - Constructors of Flying Machines?"). It is uncertain who the parents of Daedalus are, but some say that his father is Metion, the son of Erechtheus. His mother is believed to be one of three: Alcippe, Merope, or Iphinoe. Daedalus lived in Athens. He was known as a highly skilled craftsman, artist, and inventor. His nephew, Talus, was his apprentice. Talus had shown true talent in the work of Daedalus. He had been doing so well that Daedalus was worried that Talus would become better than himself. He became so jealous that he pushed Talus off a cliff into the sea. Daedalus was tried in the Greek court, Areopagus. As a result, he was banned from Athens and fled to the island of Crete where he worked for King Minos. …show more content…

Poseidon sent him a beautiful white bull that had emerged from the sea. Minos adored the bull so much that he decided to keep the bull for himself instead of using it as a sacrifice. A livid Poseidon punished King Minos by causing his wife, Pasiphae, to fall in love with the bull. Knowing Daedalus was a very good inventor, Pasiphae asked him to build her a lifelike cow. This cow was hollow so that she could hide inside and spend time with the bull. As a result, Pasiphae gave birth to the Minotaur, “a monstrous creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull” ("Myths

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