DSM-V Schizophrenia Case Study

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Client is showing symptoms characterized under the DSM-V 295.90 (F20.9) Schizophrenia Disorder. Under this criteria client must show signs of two corresponding domains in comparison to the disorder. Under the new guidelines of the diagnosis of Schizophrenia, tow symptoms under Criterion A symptoms are required and at least one positive symptom of either: hallucinations, delusions or disorganized speech. Schizophrenia is common diagnosis of psychosis which involves abnormalities in five domains: hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking or speech, abnormal or disorganized behavior (catatonia included), and negative symptoms. Under the DSM-V schizophrenia is viewed as neuropsychiatric disorder with complex genetics and a clinical course …show more content…

Across all domains of schizophrenia, the treatment requires therapy, medication, structured support and education about the disorder. It is more plausible that if medication for treatment is offered to Martin, it may put him into a good head space to open to talk therapy and maintain his focus of receiving support from his family and friends. The most important thing is reintroducing the structure and discipline of daily routine and positive relationship into his life. The cultural consideration to be taken will be presented through the support he receives from his family and friends, the reaction to treatment will only be presented as positive if the response from others around him present the treatment as positive. This will also open conversation of the disordered as seen through family history and the developmental strategies of change Martin will be faced with. Schizophrenia while a traumatic and chronic disorder can be maintained and controlled through positive treatment and response. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), can also be introduced as a method of learned assignment for the client to have a constructed therapy in which he works along with the therapist to make his treatment most

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