Cybercrime Case Study

576 Words2 Pages

Based on a study, it is believed that to understand the phenomena of cybercrime one must completely need to be familiar with the concept behind crime. The four major roles that can be accessible with the help of computers in conducting crime are: objects, subjects, tools, and symbols. Since, the criminal conducts the offense through the technological intervention with the use of internet and computers. They attack the subjects and creates the environment to commit crimes. There is drastic increase seen in criminal activities, which becomes a major concern with growing technologies and use of internet as a tool. The easiness to access crime without being present physically in it and use of few resources makes it quite differ from any other crime. This newness potentially presents new challenges for the lawmakers at globally. There is a need of strong as well as effective mechanism to combat such criminal activities is cyberspace.
The traditional approach to jurisdiction invites a court to ask whether it has the territorial, pecuniary, or subject matter jurisdiction to entertain the ca...

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