Cyberbullying As A Social Problem In The United States

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Introduction In recent years, it seems that every time we turn on the television, there is the unfortunate news of another child taking either their own life or that of someone else, as a result of bullying. According to Ferguson, Miguel, Kilburn, & Sanchez (2007), “Peer-to-peer abuse, such as bullying, is a distressing reality in schools and more common than child abuse”. An alarming, “1 in 3 U.S. students say they have been bullied at school” (Bullying Statistics 2014, 2014). Bullying is a genuine social problem and we as a society need to be more aware of it. In order to raise awareness, we must understand what bullying is, why it is a problem, and explore ways to make positive changes in the schools and our homes so the number of children …show more content…

This is considered cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as: “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices” (Hindjura & Patchin, 2014). The most common forms of cyberbullying can be compared to peer-to-peer bullying. For example: name calling or the spreading of rumors is still happening, nevertheless, the harassment is now through methods of texting, message boards, or social media. However, cyberbullying can also be different in that “victims may not know who the bully is, or why they are being targeted” (Hindjura & Patchin, …show more content…

When you get down to it, parents are the first tool when it comes to addressing bullying prevention and response. “The home environment is central to antibullying initiatives because psychologists agree that children are not born as bullies; it is a learned behavior” (Abrams, 2009). As parents, we must remember that our children have a way of memorizing practically everything we do or say. “Researchers have found that parents can help prevent bullying by raising their sons and daughters from their youngest years in a household that rejects intimidation and urges nonviolent conflict management while stressing civility, tolerance for individual differences and empathy for others” (Abrams,

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