Customer Relationship Management And Customer Relationship Management

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approach to business, but there is still no generally accepted definition of CRM (Lin Yeng, 2001). Buttle in his book defines CRM as:
"CRM is the business strategy that integrates the functions and internal processes and external networks to create and deliver value to target customers at a profit. It is based on the customer data quality and enable IT."
CRM involves gathering a lot of data about the customer. CRM is a very simple data on the customer's name, address, demographic information, date of transaction, the quality and quantity of transactions, returns and claims, the state of order dates, shipment and fulfillment, and account information . The CRM framework can be classified into operational and analytical (Berson, 2000). Operational …show more content…

For organizations to realize tangible business benefits, they need to plan, manage and measure their social networking efforts. This is where CRM (Customer Relationship Management) intersects with social networks When social networks and CRM work well together, companies gain the ability to better listen to the conversations of customers and attract social clients in their own terms while managing and measuring their efforts to do so (Microsoft Dynamics CRM, 2009). Sigala recently conducted research on the application of social networking sites in CRM Greek tourism. The results describe the factors that influence the adoption of Web 2.0 that the autonomy of CRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Management) practices and reveals that companies must address the following three issues in order to increase current levels of exploitation Web 2.0 "technology skills and improve skills of their staff and / or outsource those skills to others; incorporate web 2.0 responsibilities in job descriptions e-marketers; identify and use the most appropriate CRM metrics that can be used for customer segmentation, targeting and reward strategies; and the use of mechanisms to identify and remove malicious use of Web 2.0 "(Sigala, …show more content…

Relationship marketing focuses on creating and maintaining customer relations (Shani and Chalasani, 1992, p. 34). Berry (1995, p. 237) argues for the value of the protection of the customer base and the costs of replacing old with new customers. (. 1992, p 34) defines Chalasani Shani and relationship marketing in a formal way: "[...] an integrated approach to identify, maintain and build a network with individual consumers and continuously strengthen the network for the benefit effort mutual on both sides, through interactive, individualized and value-added for a long time contacts. " Three factors have been examined as drivers and prerequisites for building relationships are trust, commitment and satisfaction (Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Hawkins and Vel, 2013 ;. Palmatier et al., 2007; Bejou et al, 1998). Morgan and Hunt (1994, p. 24) argue that the parties place more value on a relationship that involves trust. Morgan and Hunt (1994, p. 23) also argue that if there is a commitment in the relationship, it is desirable for the customer to put effort into maintaining it. A third factor that can be added to these drivers is satisfaction. Satisfaction has been considered as a "fundamental principle" (Bejou, et al., 1998, p. 170) for relationship marketing. Convinced by these strong arguments about the

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