Curley's Wife Monologue

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George would never let me tend the rabbits now, I thought to myself. I looked down at the brown an’ white pup, the one Slim gave me, and there he was lying, so lifeless. What have I done? I shouldn’t of slapped the puppy. I thought to myself. I covered the puppy with hay, but then realized that was not a smart thing to do, and uncovered it. The puppy was still very soft, I realized as I stroked it back and forth. I knew I couldn't hide this from George, he knows everything. Suddenly, I was filled with anger, Why did the puppy have to die? It was a lot bigger than a mouse… They tol’ me and I didn't listen. Now George won’t let me tend the rabbits. I rocked back and forth tryin’ to get a hold of myself. I convinced myself, or at least tried to, that this puppy di’n’t have nothin’ to do with George, an’ he has no right to not let me tend the rabbits. …show more content…

In panic, I covered the dead puppy with hay, and looked up at her, sullenly. Curley’s wife tried to convince me to talk with her, but George had told me to stay away from her. I tol’ her, “ ‘I ain’t supposed to talk ..’ ”(86). Curley’s wife suddenly asked about what I had under the hay, and I was filled with misery once again. I explained, low-spirited, how I accidently smacked the puppy when he acted as if he was going to bite me and fell dead. The thought of losing the puppy, an’ George not letting me tend no rabbits made me miserable. Curley’s wife began talking about her secrets, about how she would be married to an actor if her ol’ lady let her. She also mentioned her hate for Curley, and how she’d rather be with someone else. I sighed deeply, trying to get her stop talkin’, she is a bit of a run off at the mouth. I was planning out loud that I could throw the puppy away so George wouldn't ever find out, an’ I’ll still be able to tend the

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