Cultural Literacy In Health Care

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"Health literacy is fundamental to quality care." (Dr. David A. Kindig, chair of the Committee on Health Literacy, the Institute of Medicine). The aim of this assignment is to inform the reader of health literacy, what health literacy is and why it is important to all individuals, how effective communication is important in culturally diverse healthcare settings, highlights the importance of the relationship of health literacy to effective communication in a culturally diverse health care environment and highlights the issues both positive and negative and challenges for health literacy in regards to effective communication in a culturally diverse healthcare setting. Health Literacy can be described as the way individuals obtain, process and …show more content…

Cultural competency is critical in reducing health disparities and improving access to high quality health care. Included below are some of the ways cultural competent healthcare organizations and environments benefit the individual patients and the health care professionals, increased mutual respect between the patients and the patients family and the health care professional, increased trust will encourage patients participation and involvement in health care practices. Promotes the inclusion of all family and community members, assists patient and patient’s families in their care and understanding the choices they have, encourages the patients and the family to take responsibility for their individual health. Cultural competency, improves patient health, increases preventative care for the patient as they are aware of the condition they are in, saves the company money as the amount of repeated duties will be reduced, cost saves in the treatments and legal costs and decreases. The health care company will benefit from being culturally competent as it incorporates different perspectives, ideas and strategies into the decision making process, Decreases barriers that slow down the healing process, moves toward meeting legal and regulatory guidelines and improves efficiency of care and

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