Cultural Diversity In Brazil

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Brazil is a country in South America, that is big on its culture and tourism. They have the biggest parade in the world known as “Carnival”, people all over the world come to Brazil for this event. Brazil is also big on its agriculture, its main exports include soybeans, coffee, tobacco, cocoa, beef, poultry, orange juice and raw cane and refined sugar, iron ore and concentrates, oil seed and mineral fuels. Transportation in Brazil is very similar to the way Americans travel here in the United States. 1.5 million people commute using the countries BRT (Bus Rapid Transportation System). Brazil is also divided into five regions north, northeast, center-west, southeast. Brazil is located on the east coast of South America, on the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil has very high temperatures, and a tropical climate due to its close proximity to the …show more content…

Brazil’s population is mainly made up of Indigenous people, African people, Portuguese people, and more. There’s a lot of cultural diverse in Brazil. The country once had a Portuguese empire. A lot of the countries culture benefits from the Portuguese culture. Transportation in Brazil is very similar to how the United States migrates, except their big on hitchhiking, even though it is very high risk. The people in Brazil use taxi, it’s not common to find a lot of people with cars. They usually have mopeds. Some even use bus transportation. Brazil uses the metro system, which is a cheaper way of getting around. Then you have the freeway of traveling which is hitchhiking, locals use this a way of transportation a lot. Brazil is divided into five regions, going north, northeast, center-west, southeast, and south. Brazil is so big it had to be divided just like the United States. Brazil is the largest country in south America. Brazil has different weather in each of its regions, but they all have the same high temperature and tropical

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