Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas

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Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas


The research conducted within this document will look at the various areas considered by someone before venturing in to another country for a business, regardless how well he or she know the specific business. As the information is gathered as well as imported in to tables for visual comparison, one can see that there are many similarities and the possibility of success via such a business seems possible.

Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas

One of the differences that our vendor will have to consider between the United States and the Czech Republic is its different economies. The Czech Republic became a member of the European Union on May 1, 2004. This membership took place after a referendum on June 13 and 14 of 2003 revealed nearly 80% support for European Union membership on a turnout of 55%. (UK Presidency of the EU 2005, 2007, 1) One of the other differences that would come to mind based on older knowledge of this country is that it was communitarian. Communitarianism refers to people regarding themselves as part of a group. (Pugel, 2004, 112) We will see further, in this report that new research shows this is no longer the situation.

Another large difference is the time zone, which is six hours different from the United States. When it is eleven P.M in the United States, it is five A.M. in the Czech Republic. Some cultural differences include how childbirth celebrations consist of child and mother receiving gifts while father goes out with friends to drink. Birthdays after 18 involve larger celebrations and this leads up to what is considered the most important of all, which is the 50th birthday since it, is considered the peak of adulthood. (CultureGrams World Edition, 2007, 1)

On the next page, there will be a comparison table of the United States and the Czech Republic.

On the other hand, Czech Republic and the United States do have some similarities that too many outside that country, are not yet known. Culture Grams does list for the Czech Republic under lifestyles and diet that Pizza is one of the preferred snack foods which is very good news for our business man. During the study of the text, we learned of new research by Trompenaars that shares the latest changes within that country. Currently the Czech Republic is listed as one of the countries with high levels of individualism, which is the polar opposite of the communitarianism it was known for in the past.

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