Crowfoot Research Paper

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Crowfoot was a Blackfoot chief in 1830, by the Belly River in now southern Alberta. He was born in the Blood tribe of the Blackfoot Confederacy, which at the time also included the Blackfoot and Piegan tribes. As a baby he was given the name Astohkomi (Shot Close) When he was five his father was killed by Crow warriors and within a year Crowfoot’s mother married Akay-nehka-simi (Many Names), a member of the Blackfoot tribe. When Crowfoot was a teen he was trained as a warrior, During a raid for horses on a Crow camp, he was wounded in the fight, for which he was given his adult name Isapo-muxika (Crowfoot), a name that had been owned by a relative killed several years earlier. Crowfoot was not from a family of chiefs and was from another tribe, he demonstrated his leadership abilities among the Blackfoot tribe, he continued to show himself as a respectable warrior. Before he was 20 years old he had been in 19 battles and had been wounded six times. His most serious wound occurred during a winter raid to the Shoshoni tribe. He was shot in the back and the lead ball was never removed, the wound made it difficult for him to ride horses or to travel long distances. It was in 1865 also that Crowfoot first came to the attention of the local white population after …show more content…

It was largely through their influence that white settlement in Blackfoot territory happened without violence. Macleod insisted that Blackfoot rights be respected, while Crowfoot encouraged his people to maintain friendly relations with the police. Although he was actually one of two head chiefs of the Blackfoot tribe, the police considered him to be the leader of the entire Blackfoot nation. Crowfoot’s impressive role as diplomat and politician, often caused white people to place him in a position that he did not in fact occupy. Crowfoot was careful to consult his fellow chiefs in

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