Crossing the Line

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, preoccupied drivers are responsible for nearly 80% of all crashes in the United States (Teen). The majority of driver distractions can be blamed on cell phones. Despite laws banning the act of cellular use while behind the wheel and commercials advising against it, young drivers addicted to sending text messages are often unfazed by these attempts and continue to put lives at risk. In response to this rising trend, the Gwent Police Department in Wales met with filmmaker Peter Watkins-Hughes in 2009 to produce a shocking short film, COW (Gwent). With other advertisements taking a less-realistic approach and making little impact, COW was a way for the Gwent Police to take a dramatic stand to deter teens from texting while driving by providing audiences with a vivid inspection of the notorious statistics. Lately, advertisements concerning various issues, from smoking to drinking while driving, have been making a more significant impression by taking a more gritty and realistic approach with enhanced effects and plausible scenarios. COW, in particular, gets straight to the point; instead of simply referencing the issue, they faced it head-on –literally– presenting a small group of teenage girls getting into a deadly collision. The superior computer-generated imagery makes the depiction exceedingly graphic with violent blows to each victim of the vehicular calamity. In a few quick moments, the diversion of an insignificant text message sends a young driver drifting over the lane-dividing line, prompting a crash that involves multiple vehicles and several casualties, from the ignorant teens to an innocent young infant. To some, the video may not have as significan... ... middle of paper ... ... them interested as the plot develops and the intensity increases. The police used their knowledge of factual cases to add credibility and plausibility to the film. That and the clever character placement reaches out to all people who have ever been in a car. Works Cited "Gwent Police - News." Gwent Police - Welcome. Web. 10 Feb. 2010. . “Teen Driver Menace: Text-Messaging: Studies Show Texting While Driving Is Epidemic." Parenting Teens. Web. 10 Feb. 2010. “YouTube – PSA Texting while Driving U.K. Ad [HD].” YouTube – Broadcast Yourself. Web. 31 Jan. 2010. . "Teen Driver Menace:

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