Cross Barriers

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Barriers Are Meant to Be Cross Life is about setting goals, and accomplish everything you set your mind to. We have all break some type of boundaries that stopped us. Some barriers are meant to be cross, just like some rules are meant to be broke; that’s what life is all about. We all have to go through it. The biggest, and toughest border I had to cross in my life was to move to the US, there were so many changes. I had to sacrifice a lot of things fortunately, it was worth it. Because I have a whole new world know, a world that changed my perception of everything from language, culture, and even the education. The language was the most difficult obstacle for me. Learn a new language is always a difficult phase, I personally didn’t felt the same self-steam, and I still don 't. When I speak in Spanish, I speak really fast, the tone of my voice changes, I have more confidence. However, with English is never the same, as much as I learn it, it will always feel awkward. In the reading, “Silence”, by Maxine Hong Kingston, this quote discusses about being silent, how you always have that fear inside when speaking another language. The quote …show more content…

Because you 're on a different place, different people, different everything, the more things you see the more your brain absorbs. Because of that you start to put everything on doubt, everything takes a different perspective. They are obstacles that we as human have to pass through, it 's definitely a life changing experience, but it 's also a learning experience. If someone 's ask me, I would do it again, I don 't regret anything about it, because that 's what life it 's about. Life is about the choices you make, they can be either good, or bad, but are your choices, and you going to learn and grow from them no matter the results, that 's how you overcome

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