Critique of The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter

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Critique of The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter.
The Dumb Waiter is a play that can be interpreted in many ways. It could be viewed simply as a photo realistic slice of life drama or as a comical case study of a dysfunctional relationship. The dramatic action in The Dumb Waiter is relatively static. The two characters, Ben and Gus, do not change environments throughout the play. Which leaves the audience to sit there and attempt to grasp what the scattered dialogue is talking about, as opposed to focusing on the environment that surrounds them. The characters Pinter creates are a pair of hit men who, as the dialogue states, have pulled many jobs with each other. They have developed the relationship between a bully and his sidekick. Ben, the protagonist, is very sly and quick with the tongue, like a gecko. When placed in a bind, he adapts to the circumstances surrounding him. This becomes apparent when it is implied that he cant read, he creates absurd stories that are convincing to his not to quick sidekick. Gus, the antagonist, plays the pole of his subservient yes man throughout the play; he is Ben’s Labrador, doing exactly as he was told he was unable to think for himself. The major obstacle for Ben is the struggle to cope with the antics of Gus. Gus has many idiosyncrasies that Ben finds intolerable. One example that is made very clear is Gus’ inquisition. Gus questions everything, especially when the message comes. Ben overcomes this obstacle quite easily when he turns the gun on his partner. The play is set in the basement of an old, broken down house. The basement seems dark and dank. This setting is not familiar to the characters, for they are hit men and move around from job to job. Later in the play the dialogue indicates that it is set in the basement kitchen of a café, but I feel that this is just another story made up by Ben in order to explain the dumb waiter’s activity. The Dumb Waiter follows in epic form. The action slowly unfolds until there is a climax. Like in many modern plays, the climax and the resolution are the same moment. In The Dumb Waiter, this climax is at the final moment when Ben realizes he must turn his gun on his own partner. He does so, and the play ends.

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