Criminal Law Vs Tort Law Essay

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A tort is an act or omission by another person that gives the victim a right to compensation while a crime is an act that is in violation of a certain law and which imposes a punishment. Both criminal and tort law have the same purpose; they are both used to identify wrong doers and also to take corrective action against the wrong doers. Basically the overall purpose of criminal law is to protect the society from bad behavior and anti-social acts (Simons, 2007). Its focus is on the decision on whether a person is a criminal or not.
On the other hand tort law is a civil law which are some general standards of civic conduct. The focus of tort law is what the tort feaser can do about the financial harm that the victim has suffered. Another difference …show more content…

However, they both play different roles in the cases. The prosecutor has a role of representing the state or the people by presenting facts that show the suspect is guilty of contravening the law. On the other hand, the defense attorney represents the defendant and makes sure that his rights as an accused are protected and that he is not prosecuted unjustly (Sarat & Clarke, 2008).
Both parties have the roles of protecting the rights of the people and making sure that justice prevails; the prosecutor ought to make sure that the true facts are the ones presented and that no innocent soul should be convicted for a crime they did not commit. The defense attorney must perform his role in accordance to the sixth amendment of the U.S Constitution.
Mental health issues and the criminal justice system
Mental illnesses menace has been a growing problem in the correction centers with an increase in numbers of people who have mental health issues. Some of the people who go through the criminal justice system are not recognized as having mental health issues. In this case a specialist for this purpose is required so as to detect some of the illnesses (MacPhail & Verdun-Jones,

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