Criminal Justice Programs For Reducing Recidivism

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Criminal Justice Programs that Aid in Reducing Recidivism
Many things affect a person’s drive towards criminal behavior. Family environment, aggressive tendencies, substance abuse and lack of educational and vocational skills are examples of issues that can influence someone to enter into this type behavior and cause them to maintain a cycle that results in repeat offenses. According to studies conducted by the Bureau of Justice, more than half of the persons released from prison were rearrested within the first year of release, with the recidivism rate rising to 76.6% within five years of release (Office of Justice Programs, 2014). With recidivism rates rising, the cost to maintain the inmate population is daunting. It becomes a must to be proactive in finding a solution to reduce recidivism. Programs designed to reduce recidivism, most of which are derived from Evidence Based Programs (EBP), can impact these percentages in a positive way provided they are initiated and utilized efficiently.
Recidivism Reduction Programs in Juvenile Justice
Recidivism rates in juvenile justice vary from state to state but are comparable to those of adult and community corrections (Office of Research, Juvenile Justice Research Branch, 2010). Three main EBP that are effective in aiding recidivism reduction for juveniles is functional family therapy (FFT), aggression replacement therapy (ART), and multidimensional treatment foster care (MTFC).
Functional Family Therapy
For adolescent youth and their families, FFT is finding increased support among professionals (Sexton & Turner, 2010). FFT addresses behavior modification by the use of reinforcement and modeling that minimizes conflicts between family members (Welsh & Greenwood, 2015). A...

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In conclusion, the results provide insight into specific criminal justice programs that have aided in reducing recidivism rates. Although percentages have not decreased drastically overall, as more criminal justice organizations utilize evidence based programs and become more efficient at addressing individual’s specific needs, recidivism rates could realize a marked improvement. Research into these programs could save potentially millions of dollars each year, and more importantly, could improve the outlook of a person’s future. Broader research could contribute to additional programs that would reduce recidivism rates even further. The results of this study suggest that while these programs reduce recidivism when utilized properly, there remains a need for additional – and possibly new – programs to combat high recidivism rates.

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