Crime And Crime Victimization Survey

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In the United States both the rate of committed crimes, as well as the rate of incarcerated individuals is high; and only rising. Within the media, we see reports that the population is becoming more violent; the idea girls are becoming more violent is also a prevalent issue. Many of these reports are being created with information from the three main sources of crime data. These include the Uniformed Crime Data (UCR), the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). All of these sources provide different types of information on crime. It is important to understand how, as well as who is gathering data; so we are able to interpret data accurately. To put these sources into practice, we looked at an episode of Law and Order. In doing so, it became apparent that not one source accurately depicted the episode. Therefore, it’s difficult for a decrease in crime to happen within the United States without an accurate source of crime data.
The main source of crime data in the United States is contained within the Uniformed Crime Data Report (UCR). This report is collected on the field when any type of arrest is made. The data is then sent to the FBI for publication. The UCR only focuses on specific crimes, called Part One and Part Two offences. Part 1 offences, include aggravated assault, murder, rape, robbery, arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Because of this focus, when a report is created by the uniformed officer, only the most serious crime is reported, leaving out all other forms of crime which may have occurred. Another problem within the collection of data for the UCR is that only crimes that are actually known to the police are included. Stacy Mallicoat...

... middle of paper ... all the crimes which occurred would be documented. The best source for an accurate picture of the episode would be a NCVS survey. Within the survey, the victimization Amanda endured by her sister would be apparent. These crimes would include forgery as well as burglary. Also, a survey asking Kim the same questions would uncover the victimization she faced from her abusive boyfriend. The murder which occurred within the episode would be the only crime not reported.
In conclusion, while the NCVS survey most accurately depicts the victimization Amanda faced, it doesn’t give us a clear picture of everything. The UCR and the NIBRS are a great source for reported crime. As Mallicoat (2012) states “Each source of data has both strengths and weaknesses. Together they can provide a great wealth of information that is invaluable in understanding gender and crime” (p. 4)

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