Creole Society And The Social Theory Of The Caribbean

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A society is a body of people that are characterized by culture and population among other things. Through research it was found that there are three theories that can explain the formation of a Caribbean society. These three theories are Creole, Plantation and Plural society and they all were able to explain a lot about the Caribbean society over years. However when it comes to the Caribbean today one theory seems to stand out more than the rest.
The Plantation society theory tries to explain the social Caribbean structure in relation to the plantation experience. According to Professor George Beckford “plantation societies are characterized by the existence of a right social hierarchy based on labour, racial and cultural differences, large areas of land denoted to production, Authoritarian management centralized, among other things”. The plantation model stresses on the existence of two classes – “a white/free class which owned the means of production and a black/slave class which owned labour”. This model shines a spotlight on the traditional Marxist argument which speaks about the unequal distribution of wealth and power. The plantation society model serves to authenticate the assertion that occupation was linked through race. Although wealth and power can be inherited, they are also the products of occupation.
A plural society is a population that has two or more cultural groups living together, but which uphold their individual identities and practice. It is a society that combines diverse cultural groups in the same room. Cultural plurality which derives from plural society is “a condition in which two or more different cultural traditions characterize the population of a given society (smith; 1974 p 14)”. Smi...

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...covert or over strain”.
Plural society theory helps us to comprehend and explain the social and cultural strain existing in societies such Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana. M.G Smith ( 1974:75) in defining the plural society, noted , “ there is a plural society, with different sections of the community living side by side , but separately within the same political unit”.

The social composition of the Caribbean is the result of the racial alliance and allocation of occupation. The plural society model becomes apparent to see in the consideration of the racial alliance and distribution of occupation. There is verification of all three theories in the Caribbean society but amongst them plural society is the clear choose to relate to the Caribbean society today, because it best explains what is taking place in society today especially in Trinidad and Tobago.

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