Creative Writing On 9/11

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“Boarding now for Flight Number 11, to Detroit!” “It’s about time,” I said. I had been waiting for over an hour after a quick airplane security check. It was a gorgeous day, 73 degrees of blue sky at the breath of 11:00 a.m. I had put my baggage in the line for the plane, but I had brought my backpack, which was teeming to the brim with activities, junk food, and things to do. I started walking over to the boarding section, where I would board the flight.

“You be a good boy now for the assistants and the helpers,” my mom said.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “I’ll be great!”

“Have fun William,” mom said with tears in her eyes, “I love you!”

“I love you too mom!” I said. That would be the last time that I would see her in over a month and a week. …show more content…

I had thought that if we had lower than 1/3 rd of fuel, that the plane would stop in Cincinnati. It must have been that we had enough, but it still seemed like a risk. The plane zoomed on, and I looked out the window, and presently, I saw dark clouds loom prominently in the background. Lightning streaked with fury as we approached, as if it was waiting for another victim. I quickly said a prayer as we went over the top to face the wrath of the lightning artillery.

The black clouds became the foreground. Lightning streaked less than 400 feet away, much closer than comfort for me. Our plane shook like a rag doll and vision was blotted as rain whapped on the window. Cloud wisp stuck for moments to my window, as if it was tempting me to touch it. The lightning came closer. To the 300. To the 200. To the 150. I closed my eyes. CRACK!!!

Then Henry tapped me. “It’s over,” he said. I opened my eyes. A majestic city feasted my eyes. After passing by some familiar towers, we dove for the score on the runway before coming to a halt. I picked up my backpack, but I knew I had to wait for my escort. After a few minutes only my friend and a few others remained. I stood up and waited nervously.


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