Creative Writing: Behind The Door

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"Please, pretty please! I'm begging you Ari, let me get those shoes!" I sigh and keep walking along the plain white floor. My younger sister, Natalia, is whining. No wonder mom doesn't take her shopping. She shops till she drops. Literally. "I'll do anything for them, please! They are so sparkly and gorgeous. I need them so badly!" I'd carry on walking but I feel something tugging on my leg. I look down and see Natalia grabbing my legs while crying her eyes out. I shouldn't have to deal with this. In fact, I can't. I bend down and hand her a tissue "Fine, we'll go get the shoes. Get off the floor now, you're embarrassing me." Sometimes I wish mom hadn't spoilt her so much. Because of all the pampering she has received, she can be a nightmare at times and usually I'm the one that has to handle it. She stands up and grabs my hand tightly "Thank you, love you," she says and starts squealing in excitement. Her squealing is …show more content…

You have to be home by tea. If you are late, then you will be punished." I glance at my watch that says 4:47. It's totally unfair. I'm going to suffer and it's all Natalia's fault. Mom would never punish her golden child. Besides, she's 6 so I guess I can't complain. "Can we buy a pink dress to match with it once we've got the shoes?" I groaned. She's making my death wish for me. Little girls obsess with the colour pink far too much for my liking. There's not a single girl under the age of 9 that I've met, that doesn't love pink. "No, we can't. Mom said to be home by 4:30 and we're already late. After we've got the shoes we're going straight home." She doesn't reply then. In fact, she stays unusually quiet. I look down to see no one. No one, just the shoes of random people in the queue. Are you kidding me? I thought I could just make an excuse about getting slightly late but now I'm going to be seriously late. I've even managed to lose my younger sister. Just fabulous. R.I.P

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