Creation of Atmosphere in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Creation of Atmosphere in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

This Essay will provide two main purposes; To show how Shakespeare

Develops atmosphere in Macbeth and secondly how I could introduce new

Stage directions to emphasise the atmosphere even more.

As the audience knows, A terrible deed is about to be performed in Act

2 scene 1 and therefore he tries to create an air of terrible tension

and the characters are obviously nervous.

"Give me my Sword- who's there?" -Line 10 Scene 1.

Even though Banquo, as yet, has no idea about the murder, he is still

jerky. He could be feeling the tension because of the eerie atmosphere

created by Shakespeare with the use Of Sound as well as other

characters mentioning the eerie night. As soon as he senses someone he

immediately goes for his sword. This shows Banquo is immediately

assuming that the other person is an enemy. His body language shows

aggression and challenging behaviour. After this Macbeth immediately

responds to Banquo by saying "a friend" (Line 11). This is ironic, as,

although they are friends at this point, Macbeth is about to perform a

deed that would certainly ruin their relationship.

"I think not of them; Yet when we can entreat an hour to serve" Line


This is the response by Macbeth after Banquo is, honestly, stating

that he has been thinking about the Witches prophecies. Macbeth

blatantly lies and says that he hasn't thought about it. Shakespeare

has continued to create the atmosphere of tension by including this,

we have all lied under pressure. It also makes an interesting contrast

between the 2 characters. Banquo is being open and maybe more honest

and brave while Macbeth is being Cowardly by not letting his feelings

out. This contrast is a start for what is continued at the end of the

play. The audience are more than likely going to see the Irony in this

as Macbeth has been spending nearly the whole play thinking about the


In terms of stage directions I would suggest that all movement was

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