Creating A Single Story Essay

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To create a single story means that the complexity of the world is ignored, set aside and turned into simple boxes that we can fit everyone into. By creating a single story, we can assume that all poor people are lazy, all fat people are greedy, all blonde women are stupid. We can diminish a culture by saying that all Mexicans are criminals, all Muslims are terrorists, and Native Americans live in teepees. It is vital for our society to go beyond the tale of a single story, the best way to change society’s views is for teachers to change the way they teach and to become critical thinkers about the stories they are teaching their students. “If U.S. educators are truly committed to nurturing a “pluralist perspective based on diversity” in students, …show more content…

I can also introduce new cultures to my students and inspire them to learn more about countries that are vastly different from their own, but no less complex and diverse. The danger of a single story is that it “emphasizes how we are different, rather than how we are similar” (Adichie, 2009). Embracing diversity, introducing new cultures, showing how we are the same and how we are different, this and more can be done within the classroom. Specifically, I feel like it can be done within reading about different places, exploring unique music, and watching videos that show us images of different lands. Educators can fight against stereotypes and a single story by becoming critical thinkers who introduce their students to multiple points of view in any given situation. Educators can also invite students to join them in in-depth discussions that urge them to think beyond the story they hear in their day to day lives. By doing this, community and society as a whole could have a positive change where there is a greater understanding of “others” and critical thinking is a natural routine that everyone can dive into. Together, we can end the danger of a single

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