Covert Racism Essay

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Racism is a very well known issue that occurs in almost every part of the world. As an educator it is important to discuss and be aware of this issue because racism, racial discrimination and racist remarks still happen a lot in Australian schools and in the classroom which will be reviewed further below starting with the history of racism globally, the types of racism that occur before and nowadays, racism in Australian school and last but not least how to create awareness of covert racism among teachers in relation to critical race theory.
Racial discrimination is one of the old issues that occur all over the world. According to Article 1, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) …show more content…

Covert racisms are subtle, subversive, and deliberate informal and formal mechanisms that allow differential access to rewards, prestige, sanctions, status, and privileges based on racial hierarchies. As a result, some groups are considered better in performing specific tasks, develop certain skills and excel in selected environments as compared to other groups. Covert racism tends to restrict, deny, or distort the opportunities available to the non dominant …show more content…

Other than that most teachers also deny the fact that they are being racist simply because it is systemic and nobody has ever challenged that. From all the research that has been reviewed, there is a gap when it comes to teacher as the topic of discussion as an agent of racism because teachers suppose to be the role model in school. So, it will be interesting to carry out further research on how to overcome covert racism from happening among teachers in Australian Primary School? This is because I believe that in this 21st century covert racism occurs more often than overt racism. This covert racism sometimes is more dangerous and hurtful than the other type of racism. Furthermore, other than parents, teachers play a very important role in developing a good tolerating nation. Research can be carried out by referring to previous researches related to covert racism, racial discrimination in school and critical race theory. In addition, observation, survey and participation in classroom activity can be the method of carrying out the research. This should be done with the hope that all children will not be left behind and all of them can live peacefully in

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