Counseling: A Comprehensive Theoretical Approach To Therapy

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My Theory of Counseling: A Comprehensive Theoretical Approach to Therapy
When becoming a therapist, remaining cognizant of the theoretical approaches and how each one corresponds successfully into one’s outlook on human nature, personal struggles, and the developmental changes in a person’s lifetime is critical. Consequently, comprehending and applying certain methodologies and philosophies remain vitally important as does the therapist’s self-awareness of their own ideals, life philosophy, interpretation of personality development, and how to stand as a catalyst for the client’s perceived needed change. Correspondingly, a personal theory of counseling remains of the utmost importance for the therapist to do their job successfully within the parameters of the therapeutic relationship.
The therapeutic relationship stands as a truly critical role of effective counseling, whereas the therapist as a human is a significant part of the efficacy of the therapeutic treatments (Corey, 1991). In other words, the therapist needs to be true to their convictions and remain authentic with their clients. Authenticity denotes the …show more content…

These theories correlate with the author’s life perspectives and beliefs. The author’s theories of personality development, counseling, and social justice and advocacy are examined through the explanations of his theoretical assumptions and their effectiveness. This integrative theory will demonstrate the counselor’s notion of how the client will benefit from these complementary approaches with empirically based techniques. The author believes that during therapy, the client will have a comprehensive opportunity to have their insight improved and their associated emotional characteristics and life experiences considered through their reasoning, emotional presentation, and behavior in order to

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