Could World War I Been Avoided Essay

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Q8. Yes, I believe that World War I could have easily been avoided. There were several key factors that would lead to the war, however, many of these issues could have been avoided. World War I was a horrific event that should have been avoided. Unfortunately, the European countries had not properly thought through everything, instead they all made the awful fateful decisions to launch themselves into war. If each European power had taken the time to think things over and possibly come up with easier and better solutions, all of the casualties and negative outcomes could have been avoided. Instead, they chose the rash decision to all go to war, they made these decisions for a number of reasons. For example out of fear, revenge, or their alliance …show more content…

If each European country had focused their full attention and efforts to correcting these minor problems, they would not have gotten so out of hand later. The reoccurring statement here is that World War I could have been avoided. There were several causes leading to World War I; more specifically, imperialism, nationalism, militarism, and the Alliance System. Furthermore, the Alliance System was the single biggest cause of World War I. However, all of these problems had each created paranoia and panic in every country, it put each European country on edge. All of these examples had caused each country to step one step closer to war everyday. Although it may seem improbable, the war could have still been …show more content…

Nationalism is the belief that people's greatest loyalty should not be to a king, queen, or an empire but instead to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. Nationalism can serve as a unifying force within a country. On the contrary, nationalism could also create an intense competition between nations, whom seek to overpower one another. Unfortunately, nationalism would become a sense of intense competition. Nationalism would created rivalries between England's Great Powers. For example, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France. The rivalries would create stronger competitions, for example, they began competing for materials and markets. In addition, fighting over nationalism in the Balkans would begin to arise immediately. Two other forces were also at work during the time, that was militarism and imperialism. Militarism is a policy of keeping a standing army always prepared for war. Militarism and mobilization of troops would create massive amounts of paranoia throughout the Great Powers of Europe. Imperialism is when a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially. Militarism and Imperialism would become large factors when it came to the start of World War I. To reiterate, the European powers began enlarging their army and navy, this would worry and bring fear into other countries. Just imagine if you had a neighboring country

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