Cosmopolitanism Vs Patriotism Essay

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While finding cosmopolitanism and patriotism in the same country is rare, it’s entirely possible. The two aren’t mutually exclusive and can in fact compliment each other. The best example of this is Sweden. Sweden is cosmopolitan in its efforts to support and aid other drastically different groups. While it doesn’t boast America’s version of patriotism, it still lends itself to the definition as Swedes very much enjoy and support their country. Sweden also encourages other communities’ national identities by supporting decolonization efforts and local movements for more rights, thereby combining cosmopolitanism and patriotism in its actions.
Cosmopolitanism comes from Greek literally meaning “citizen of the world.” The ideology is a simple …show more content…

In efforts to make themselves appear more cosmopolitan and avoid being labeled xenophobic, many Swedes don’t publicly display their national pride, but on certain occasions it comes through, for example on National Day, previously Flag Day, and in international competitions to support athletes, performers, and scholars from Sweden. Despite only displaying it periodically, they always have pride for what their country stands for, especially its humanitarianism (Duxbury, Tidholm and Lilja). None of this conflicts with Swedish cosmopolitan efforts. Citizens are able to celebrate their national identity, promote the national identities of others, and at the same time support human rights in all communities, whatever those locally accepted rights may be. Nussbaum argues that patriotism is “an idealized image of a nation [as] a surrogate parent who will do one’s thinking for one,” (Nussbaum 15). She believes a culture of patriotism allows citizens to reject their moral duties to uphold human rights and instead merely follow whatever their country does. This view is simplistic, patronizing, and pessimistic. Human beings are for the most part too complex to be satisfied with such a one-way relationship. Being proud of one’s country doesn’t blind one to the humanity of those in other

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