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I think Coriolanus is far too proud for his own good. I think this because at the end of the play he is dead due to him being too proud.

His people hate him: ‘He’s a very dog to the community.’His own people say this to him because of the way he abuses them.‘He pays himself with being proud’

Menenius say this to flatter the crowd; Coriolanus is very opposite to this, as he would never flatter any crowd. They say he isn’t patriotic (proud of his own country) instead he fights to please his mother. Martius is noble because of his position in society, and for that reason only! Whilst talking to a crowd Coriolanus referrers to them as ‘dissensions rouges and scabs.’ Coriolanus can sense the crowds hatred towards him and comes out with the following line ‘Who deserves greatness, deserves your hatred.’

When Coriolanus is at home in Rome its seems out of place, he is constantly at war with his own people. However, on the battlefield, his skills are unchallenged. This is evident when we are told that; ‘He struck Corioles like a planet’

This makes him seem, too powerful, he seems to be like a superman. For the Romans the planets were thought of as gods. They were thought to control human lives. In this instance Coriolanus’ praise makes him seem inhuman

Due to being so successful in Corioles he has been awarded the name Coriolanus. The Patricians want him to become a politician (a consul) in ordered to do this he has to show humility. He has to wear the gown of humility, ask (not order, as he would normally do) people to support him and show them wounds to prove he is worthy of being a consul. He will have great difficulties here. He despises the people and they hate him. Menenius t...

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...institutions. This theme is embodied into Coriolanus himself, he is like a hero from Rome’s past, in a time that has advanced past the political usefulness of such a warrior. Although Coriolanus is a high achiever, he is out of date and in a place that does not glorify warriors like himself as the once did.

Love and battle

Love and battle takes place between a few characters in the play, the most notable is between Aufidius and Coriolanus, they always seem to confuse love and battle in their interactions with one another. This put emphasis on how much more important war is than their personal relationships; they are overwhelmed by they need to go to battle, because of this they have nothing left over for there normal lives. This confusion of love and battle highlights a very intense relationship for the pair, and a rivalry that consumes their entire lives.

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