Core Values In The United States Navy

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Core values are the foundations of one’s integrity and morality, but there is not a set of core values that are standard. Every person has their own bundle of core values due to their own personal experiences in life, unless of course you are in the United States Navy. After two long and painful of basic training as a sailor you are taught three core values; honor, courage, and commitment. Those three words are a part of everything I do as a sailor and as an adult. How would you define honor? Is it a high self esteem and confidence or it is always doing the right thing even when no one else is looking? According to it’s top definition of honor is “ honest, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions” which nails my view of honor on top of the head. This two syllable word packs so much meaning when it comes to my core values. Honor is what you stand for as person and you will do anything to uphold the integrity of it. I discovered my meaning of …show more content…

From the day you sign your military contract you are committed to your country and your fellow service members for the duration of your contract. Once you arrive at basic training, for 24 hours a day every day, you are committed to everyone around you. From the other recruits to the naval traditions you are giving more then 100 percent at all time because it is not only expected from you by others, yet it is expected from yourself to live at a higher standard painted by the committed men and women who have given there live in prior generations! After the mental, physical, and even the emotional trauma of basic training, you have earned the right to call yourself a United States sailor. With this achievement you discover a burning passion to go forward and be committed to improving yourself and the people around you, such as making healthier decisions or even taking a WRTG 100’s

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