Core Counselling Skills

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The introduction to Counselling Skills workshop provided an amazing opportunity to examine the core competenices of a counsellor via some basic therapeutic ideas and skills. Micro-counselling skills are basic verbal and nonverbal counselling skills that are essential for establishing and maintaining rapport with clients. They are attending,listening, Questions, reflection of feelings, Observing and Challenging. During Workshop, the concept of active listening was covered. Good listening and good lusting both require an enormous amount of attention and attending. By utilising active listening, the counsellor helps the client feel understood and this encourages the client to disclose information. Other elements such as components of listening were discussed and performed as part of the learning …show more content…

Effective questioning helps guide the counselling conversation and may assist in enriching the client’s story. Good observational skills are necessary to get a detail information about events and happenings to the people concerned. The counsellor should remember not to lose the concentration with the client during session. Despite significant effort to run this counselling session efficiently, I recognize that there are some points that I need to reflect upon and improve. First of all, I need to improve the time management. I was not able to track the time appropriately, because I didnot see the clock. Therefore, I was ten minutes over the due time. Then, I felt myself trying to rush to finish the session. I think that that if I had managed my time properly, I would have concluded the session more efficiently. Client feedback Providing client with the opportunity to review the counselling process can be tremendously beneficial for both counsellor and client

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