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The importance of copyright
The importance of copyright
The importance of copyright
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Copyright protection has no single theory that fully justifies its existence, nor can it. No two authors are the same and as such they are all motivated and incentivised in different ways; any justification for copyright in Anglo-American jurisprudence must be multifaceted to be able to fully justify the use of copyright. This essay will first explore the economic incentive theory for copyright, praising its effectiveness in commercial areas but ultimately finding that, especially in the age of the internet, it is lacking as a singular justification for copyright. The natural theories of labour and expression will then be examined in light of the gaps left by the incentive theory; it will be discussed how well both theories, especially expression, work in the private sphere. All three theories will then be examined together with regard to modern society and its needs for copyright protection and this essay will conclude that no single theory could fully justify copyright due to the wide variation of authors that require its protection, instead a collection of theories is most appropriate and effective in fully justifying copyright.
The costs of producing works can be high and time consuming. Once a work is created it can then be easily copied for a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time. (or even no cost in no time) Without the protection of copyright preventing such copying there would be no incentive to (for) the author to create works in the first place.
The incentive theory is the most popular theory justifying copyright in Anglo-American Jurisprudence, where its advantages in protecting more commercially minded works and authors is evident. It is effective in the way that it incentivises authors with the prospec...
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...ing alone can function effectively as a singular justification. Whilst economic incentives are the most popular in modern law, it does not justify the protection of copyright in all situations in which protection may be applied. Both Lockean and Hegelian natural theories also suffer from the lack of ability to cover all potential authors. This is due to the fact that copyright covers works ranging from industrial to artistic and thus the motivations of the authors involved will vary and therefore, so must the justifications for providing their works with protection. As a result of this, copyright can have no single theory that fully justifies its existence. The optimum approach to justifying copyright is to combine both economic and natural rights into a more flexible theorem that could justify protection across a range of authors and their differing motivations.
Copyright is the set of significant exclusive rights that have been conferred on the authors of works or copyright owners. It is used to protect their work from unauthorised transmission or copying and to the protection of their moral rights. These moral rights include the right of integrity of authorship, the right against false attribution of authorship and the right of attribution of authorship.
Details of copyright law vary between nation countries, however, many nations share a common interest through two international copyright treaty membership agreements, the Berne Convention (which consists of 164 member states) and the Buenos Aires Convention (which is an agreement between North and South American countries,) The treaties, established in order to protect an authors’/creators’ original work from copying - whether it be literary, dramatic, design, musical or artistic.
“Copyright is a fundamental right of ownership and protection common to all of the arts” (O’Hara & Beard, 2006, p. 8). “It is a form of intellectual Property (IP)” and it gives the owner exclusive rights to the copyright (O’Hara & Beard, 2006, p. 11).
Over the past decade the societal view of creative society has greatly changed due to advances in computer technology and the Internet. In 1995, aware of the beginning of this change, two authors wrote articles in Wired Magazine expressing diametrically opposed views on how this technological change would take form, and how it would affect copyright law. In the article "The Emperor's Clothes Still Fit Just Fine" Lance Rose hypothesized that the criminal nature of copyright infringement would prevent it from developing into a socially acceptable practice. Thus, he wrote, we would not need to revise copyright law to prevent copyright infringement. In another article, Entitled "Intellectual Value", Esther Dyson presented a completely different view of the copyright issue. She based many her arguments on the belief that mainstream copyright infringement would proliferate in the following years, causing a radical revision of American ideas and laws towards intellectual property. What has happened since then? Who was right? This paper analyzes the situation then and now, with the knowledge that these trends are still in a state of transformation. As new software and hardware innovations make it easier to create, copy, alter, and disseminate original digital content, this discussion will be come even more critical.
Copyright is not a natural process; it is essentially an agreement between the state and an artist, where the state gives the artist a monopoly on works they make for a certain time in hopes that this artist will continue to create more works. This agreement is beneficial for all parties; the artist gets money for their work (as no one is allowed to produce copies unless granted permission) and an incentive to create new works. The state has artisans to keep the public happy.
Intellectual property is property resulting from intellectual, creative processes. A product that was created because of someone’s individual thought process. Examples includes books, designs, music, art work, and computer files. (Miller R. J., 2011, p. 114) In the music industry a copyright is an important tool for artist to use to protect themselves from infringers. A copyright is the exclusive right of an author or originator of a literary or artistic production to publish, print, or sell that production for a statutory period of time. A copyright has the same monopolistic nature as a patent or trademark, but it differs in that it applies exclusively to works of art, literature, and other works of authorship (including computer programs). (Miller R. J., 2011, p. 125)
Students that copy other student's work are hurting themselves in the long run. Their creativity level drops every time they copy or have someone else do their work. After a while of copying and forging, the student's ability to think creatively and successfully becomes next to nothing. "Educators must continue to socialize students of all ages about the importance of maintaining high ethical standards," (Glazer 222). The educational system is where students learn these tricks and proceed to carry them on into there professional careers. Corners are too easy to cut these days, and in order for people to keep their minds as functional as possible, they need to do their own work. It is too easy for students to buy a students paper that had the same class the quarter before, reword it a little, and turn it in as their own. Students are no longer able to write a fictional story by themselves because the computer or someone else can do it for them.
The CTEA also had important incentives for creators as well. For example, song writer Alan Menken testified: ‘If it becomes clear that insufficient copyright protection available to provide that support, there will be less incentive to try to make one’s living as a creator.’ This is also true for corporate copyright owners, such as Disney Corp, who rely on the income from works to finance productions, as well as the ultimate beneficiary- the public domain. Witch will be enriched by the added inflow of creative intellectual works over a long term.
Plagiarism is a serious crime that most don’t understand. Stealing others work or ideas as your own is plagiarism and a form of academic dishonesty. To avoid plagiarism you must ALWAYS credit your source. How are we protected from plagiarism? The Copyright Act of 1970 protects those ideas and work from others stealing it. There is four types of plagiarism that I have found in my research which include direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and accidental plagiarism. Direct plagiarism occurs when a student/ person uses word for word work without attribution or quotation marks. Attribution is giving credit to the author or artist. Self-Plagiarism is when someone uses his/her previous work as new work. This includes old work with
Because of its intangible nature, and particularly the increase of the digital domain and the internet as a whole, computers and cyber piracy make it easier for people to steal many forms of intellectual property. Due to this major threat, intellectual property rights owners’ should take every single measure to protect their rights. Unless these rights are either sold, exchanged, transferred, or appropriately licensed for use in exchange for a monetary fee, they should be protected at all cost. In order to protect these rights, the federal and states governments have passed numerous laws and statutes to protect intellectual property from misappropriation and infringement. “The source of federal copyright and patent law originates with the Copyright and Patent ...
There are many reason that why is it important to protect one’s intellectual property. Some of the reason are Creator being accused as a theft, Loss of Reputation, Loss of income, Loss of Asset and Loss of Authority Rights.
Just two decades ago, saying “copyright” to teachers most likely conjured images in their minds only of the fine-print notice in the front of a textbook. Today, with a world of Web 2.0 technology at their fingertips, copyright issues for teachers can be confusing and complex. Add to that an ever-increasing emphasis on technology literacy in our states’ education standards – forcing teachers to incorporate applications and resources that may be uncharted territory to them – and the waters get even murkier. Teachers bear the double-burden of carefully abiding by copyright laws in their day-to-day incorporation of technology in the classroom, while instilling copyright ethics in students as they meet state standards for technology and media literacy. A review of the copyright literature related to education provides some clarity on copyright and fair use applied to classroom practices, suggests barriers to copyright compliance among educators, and provides suggestions on how to teach copyright ethics to a tech-savvy generation.
The first reason why downloading and uploading copyrighted materials from the Internet should be legal is that downloading copyrighted materials positively affects the economy. The European Commission Joint Research Center reported that the profits of music companies would be 2% lower if uploading and downloading copyrighted materials were banned. However, music companies are able to acquire more profits despite illegal downloading because many people tend to purchase CDs or DVDs after watching or listening to copyrighted materials for free. Moreover, the research showed that people who download music illegally spent more money to buy music than people who did not download illegally. In addition, research conducted by the Swiss government informed that one-third of Swiss people downloaded copyrighted materials from the Internet because personal use of copyrighted materials is legal in Switzerland. Even though there is a fact that many people can download copyrighted materials from the Internet legally in Switzerland, the amount of money that people spend to buy copyrighted materials is not f...
Copyright is a protection for authors, composers or artists and other creators who create innovative idea base work. Copyright law is important because of its role to protect the interests of the creator, while allowing others to gain access to it legally. It designed to make sure that creators receive appropriate rights for their own ideas and creativity, and to promote artistic creativity by protecting the creator.
A copyright is a legal means that gives the creator of mythical, imaginative, musical, or other creative work the solitary right to publish and sell that work. Copyright owners have the right to manage the reproduction of their work, including the right to receive imbursement for that reproduction. An author may contribute or sell those rights to others, including publishers or recording corporations. Breach of a copyright is called copyright