Coorong National Park Essay

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The Coorong National Park is a protected area located in South Australia 156kms southeast of Adelaide. (See Figure 1) It forms part of the Murray Darling river system and is situated close by to Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert. The Coorong stretches for more than 130kms and protects many saltwater lagoons of which are sheltered from the pounding surf of the Southern Ocean, by the sand dunes of the Younghusband Peninsula. The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth all form part of a unique wetland environment, consisting of 23 different wetland types ranging from freshwater to hypersaline, dense vegetation to open water and temporary to permanently inundated land. These features contribute to the Coorong, area meeting 8 of the 9 criteria for classification as a ‘Ramsar Wetland’ (See Appendix 1) The Coorong area is classified as a Mediterranean Warm biome with a Mediterranean climate featuring temperatures ranging …show more content…

Each of these issues has a deeper effect on the overall health of the Coorong environment, meaning the entire environment suffers due to one problem.
The system on a whole has been affected as the surrounding Coorong and Lower Lakes areas are encountering declining environmental conditions including: degradation of swamps, receding riverbanks and irrigation banks, disruption of irrigation usage and the irregularity of ferry services. These environmental issues have an effect on the provision of portable water to Adelaide and regional towns who rely on this water source. This means the government is having to find other sources of water so that it can be provided to Adelaide and the regional towns, putting extra stress on the

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