Cool Cowboys Narrative

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In the center of the town, known to the people as Jackson, stood the oldest building in the state of Wyoming. Made from old brittle bricks, it stood surprising strong. Although it was in the center of town, people seemed to ignore it, it was always left empty. To one person ,however, it held a special place in his heart. It was a safe haven for Will Rogers. A young boy of twenty-five years old, who didn’t quite mix with society. With his boxy face and slivers for his eyes, (1.) he was the town introvert who tried to be one of the “cool” cowboys. The main building was his place to escape from the brutal old west.
One day, as Will was walking home from work, he felt strange. Almost as if someone was following him. He turned around several times to see if he needed to draw his gun. However, every time he turned around there was no one there. He quickly went home. Laying in bed that night, Will started …show more content…

“What is it, dear?” Helen responded, walking into the small living room from the kitchen with her hands still went from the dishes. “I came upon a new lasso, and you won’t believe what it can do!” Will said enthusiastically. “Oh, really? And what might that be Mr. Rogers?” Helen stated while walking closer to Will. “It some how lets me travel into the past and future.” Will let out while holding his breath to see her reaction. “It what?” Helen said, not sounding extremely convinced of what her husband had just said. “It can time travel.” said Will. “Whatever you say Will.” responded Helen, accepting whatever craziness might come of this.
One weekend, Will decided that he wanted to go down to the bar to get a drink to help calm himself down after months of time traveling. He had to cross through a couple valleys to get to to the bar. (3). After a couple drinks, Will wandered back to his house. When he opened the door, he found his wife dead on the

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