Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide

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This essay is a response to the following question:

In participatory culture the consumer and producer no longer occupy separate roles rather “we might see them as participants who interact with each other according to a new set of rules that none of us fully understand”. Jenkins, Henry, Convergence Culture (London: New York University Press, 2006) 3. Identify a text or series of texts that challenge the previously established rules of engagement between consumer and producer. Outline how that text or texts challenge established rules and also how it/they demonstrate the collapse of the space between consumer and producer in participatory culture. Discuss your analysis through a theoretical framework that draws on related readings.

There have been many developments in the emergence of convergence and participatory culture in recent decades. In these developments, we have seen a complete new set of rules in how consumers and producers interact with each other, and how audience members have converted from being passive to active in their reception of information provided to them by producers. This new paradigm is not purely technological but also cultural as, convergence culture “represents a cultural shift as consumers are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among dispersed media content” (Jenkins, 2006, Convergence Culture). The technology of course provides the platforms for this new form of interactivity, however it has most certainly moved past the basic technological functions and created a whole new culture and lifestyle for consumers and producers alike.

“The ways in which we are watching TV are thus changing, not just in terms of the increased prominence of interactivity but (disposable inco...

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...perate are at the moment are working and progressively getting even better. As long as the system is operable, why change it? The convergence in recent years has become a cultural aspect of our day to day lives, as more and more audiences are becoming more and more active in what they consume.



Jenkins, H., 2006. Convergence Culture. New York and London: New York University Press.

Fuery, K., 2008. New Media – Culture and Image. USA: Palgrave Macmillan Publications

Jenkins, H., 2009. Confronting the challenges of Participatory Culture; Media Education for the 21st Century. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Devereux, E., 2003, Understanding the Media. London: Sage Publications


Turner, Tay, 2009, Television Studies after TV.

Jermyn, D., Holmes, S., 2006 The Audience is dead, Long live the Audience.

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