Controversy Over Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is the technical intelligence invented by the human.Day after day,technical improvement is increasing,electronics are spreading more and more over the world(Modernity) ,but over every single house.That’s why some people believe that the human intelligence is threatened by the artificial intelligence, however I do believe that the human intelligence is irresistible and cant be replaced due to three important factors. Thinking is only determined by conscious beings.Only conscious beings can think and interact with each other,so that thinking id determined by brained organisms,and anything lacks a brain cantthink.Mechanism don’t have the brain’s aptitude for ptternrecognition,adaption,and the traits associated with them liked learning and creativity,that’s why machines cant possess …show more content…

Finally God who created us,he brained us,and only him who can impart the brains and give the thinking process to organisms,and the human is too weak to do such a job,hecant! So,God’ creatures are smarter and stronger and way better than the human’s achievements.So, artificial intelligence, as a conclusion,cant overcome and exceed the human’s intelligence. As we stated in the above paragraphs,the human’s intelligence is irresistible and and artificial intelligence cant exceed it,because it is invented and controlled by human,and it is not smarter than he is because it lacks the ability to think.So Steven Hawking and all the scientists who are worried about the future of human race can relax and sleep on the pillow comfortably,unworried.The problem is not a problem anymore,we can enjoy the usage of technology as much as we want,not worried about the future of human

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