Controversial Essay On Abortion

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The issue of abortion is a very controversial one. There are many opinions about it that are largely discussed. People have many ideas about abortion that are possible based on their faith and morals. Most women who are pregnant and go in for abortions do not receive all the facts. Their doctors should inform them about the extremely serious side effects that can come from abortion. Abortions cause women physical and mental side effects that can cause them great pain, complications, and even death. What is abortion, though? Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion procedures change according to the stage of the pregnancy. There are four main procedures that women go through when having an abortion. One being, the early medical abortion, which is usually from 0 to 9 weeks; this method is also known as the abortion pill but this is not a very accurate description, as it does not involve simply taking a pill. The next step is, vacuum aspiration abortion, which takes place 5 to 15 weeks. Vacuum aspiration simply means suction. The next method is called early surgical dilatation and evacuation, which is between 15 to 19 weeks. After the woman has been given a light general anesthetic, the doctor gently stretches the passage through the cervix until it is wide enough for narrow forceps to be used to remove most of the contents of the uterus. Then a tube attached to a vacuum pump is used to remove any remaining tissue. The final step is, surgical two-stage abortion or medical induction, which happens between 20 to 24 weeks. During a medical induction, the fetal heart is stopped and then the doctor uses drugs to induce premature labor. A surgical two...

... middle of paper ... for you and the child you bear. Whether that is prolife or pro-choice. Pro-choice comes with a lot of packages such as regret also, the child they are carrying is a human being and killing that child can cause physical and emotional trauma and then again, pro-life comes with a lot of responsibility. But abortion is not a light subject and more people should be aware of the stakes at hand and once it is done, it is done with and there is in taking it back. The best solution is to carry the baby full term, and if they cannot take care of the child, give him/her up for adoption. Many people would be overjoyed to have a child and the woman can provide them that happiness. Women should think long and hard about their decision for abortion and realize that the best solution is to give life to that beautiful child they have been blessed with. It’s a child not a choice.

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