Continuity And Changes In Christianity Essay

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“You must constantly change and adapt to a new environment”-Jung Yong Yun. Since the beginning of most cultures, cultures have adapted to extensive changes, to preserve their religion and their ways of life. As many cultures have adapted to different societies, Christianity were one the few surviving religions to have adapted and survive to different environments. During 28 C.E., Christianity started with a man called Jesus, who during this time began his ministry. Now during his ministry, many Christians believed that he was the Messiah, who would offer salvation and eternal life. As Christianity began to flourish in its youth, they faced with a great challenge. Leaders of the Jewish community feared Jesus, that he would create a rebellion against the Roman empire. So, by fearing Jesus and the rebellion against the Roman empire, they came to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, to stop Jesus and end his ministry. But around 30 C.E., Jesus was crucified. But this was only the beginning of the religion of Christianity. After the death of Jesus, the twelve disciples that Jesus had anointed, planned to construct the first church during its time in the Christianity …show more content…

But also, one of the most important change that Christianity had towards Egypt was Aksum. This was a dramatic change that Christianity had towards the society of Egypt because this was center lay of Christianity. As this was one dramatic change that occurred throughout Egypt, the changes were just beginning. Later, another Christianity center was also established at Hippo, the west of Egypt. However, Augustine, author of “The Confessions” began to expand his views by encouraging Christians to confess their sins as well as telling them that the sexual activity was sinful. Around 1100, many Christians, Roman churches, priests, bishops all began to practice Augustine’s

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