Consider The Lobster Argumentative Essay

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Sharndip Singh
Essay 4 (Argument 2)
Boiled Alive Have you ever wondered how a lobster reacts to pain? The most accepted belief is that they don’t, but they have ways to feel, and they are not human, so their senses are different. Lobsters have complex nervous systems and exquisite tactile sense, and they lack forms of pain mitigation that other animals possess; therefore; humans need to reconsider how they treat these ancient sea creatures. Being boiled alive is a tortuous method for killing any animal. When lobsters are put into steaming hot water, it is unjust to assume that they don’t feel any pain while being boiled. In his essay “Consider the lobster”, Wallace states, “Lobsters do have nociceptors, as well as invertebrate versions of prostaglandins and major neurotransmitter via which our own brains register pain.” (Wallace par. 13) Humans just throw the lobster in the boiling water without a second thought of the intense pain the animal is about to go through in order to provide for a meal. …show more content…

A lobster has little to no eyesight and also cannot hear. According to the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, also known as P.E.T.A “A lobster can “smell” chemicals in the water with their antennae, and they “taste” with sensory hairs along their legs.” With such an exquisite tactile sense, lobsters have adapted to ocean conditions by using their senses to taste and smell in order to be aware of their surroundings. Unlike humans, lobsters wouldn’t be able to visualize when they are senselessly murdered in a cooking pot. When put into the pot the lobster will start squirming around in a hopeless attempt to save itself and get out of the

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