There is a connection between school culture and leadership styles. The literature review will also address the two basic categories of leadership. According to Cox (2001), there are two basic categories of leadership which are transactional and transformational. The following scholars (Barnett, McCormick & Conners, 2001) made the distinction between transactional and transformational leadership. James McGregor Burns’ (1998) introduces Burns the difference between ordinary (transactional) and extraordinary (transformational) leaders. According to James McGregor Burns’ (1998) transactional leaders exchanged tangible rewards for the work and loyalty of followers, and (transformational) leaders are the ones who engaged with followers. Additionally, the focused on higher order intrinsic needs, and raised consciousness about the significance of specific outcomes.
(Bernard Bass, 2003) introduces the conception of transactional and transformational leadership. He states that they are separate concepts and that good leaders demonstrate characteristics of both.
Bass (1990b, p. 21) states that Transformational leadership fosters capacity development and brings higher levels of personal commitment amongst followers. However, transformational leadership occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees. (Kelly, 2003; Yukl, 1989) asserts that Transformational leaders elevate people from low levels of need. Transformational leaders are said to create trust, admiration, loyalty and respect amongst their followers (Barbuto, 2005, p. 28).
(Rice, 1993) determines that Transformational leadership is also based on self-reflective changing of values and beliefs by the leader and their followers. From this emerges a key characteristic of transformational leadership.
According to Gronn (1996) the literature in educational leadership offers no single conception of the processes that constitute transformational leadership. Gronn (1996) makes emphasis on the close relationship between charismatic and transformational leadership. He point out the absence of notions of charisma in some work transformational leadership. (Leithwood & Jantzi, 2000) introduce the four main factors that make up transformational leadership whereas. They introduce the four main factors which are: 1.) Idealized influence, 2.) Inspirational motivation, 3.) Intellectual stimulation, 4.) Individualized consideration. The Additive Effect of Transformational Leadership supports these four main factors Hall, Johnson, Wysocki and Kepner (2002, p. 2).
It will very important to evaluate the four main factors and the effect they can have when dealing with the topic of discussion which is the role of the principal in shaping school culture.
...selbein and Cohen, “organizations that take the time to teach leadership are far ahead of the competition. By becoming familiar with the transformational leadership approach and combining the four I's, managers can become effective leaders in the business world.” (1999, p. 263). Transformational leadership can be applied in one-on-one or group situations. Using this approach, the manager (leader) and the associates (followers) are “transformed” to enhance job performance and help the organization be more productive and successful. All of these leaders have the attributes mentioned here. History will decide the greater impact they had on society as it is being written every day. Therefore, the qualities of transformational leadership make the essence of transformational management and the key to successful management of transformational organizational changes.
Borkowski (2015) distinguished between transactional leadership and transformational leadership by explaining that: transactional leadership is directed toward task accomplishment and the maintenance of good relations between the leader and subordinates throw consideration of performance and reward. And, Transformational leadership, contrasting transactional leadership, is directed toward the influence and management of institutional change and innovation through revitalization and
This model has been used over decades in research to chime in on the importance of knowing the behavior of leader’s and their effect on those who work for them. According to Brymer and Gray (2006), effective transformational leadership ensures a supportive culture and does not require boundaries and guidance. The concept of transformational leadership was created to bring together leaders and those who work for them, which in turn impact those in whom they serve because their personality is viewed in a positive
Wright and Pandey researched and wrote“Transformational Leadership in the Public Sector: Does Structure Matter?”(2010). The duo contend that transformational leadership is a style that dictates the leader change the “attitude and assumptions” (2010) of his/her employees. This is accomplished through a series of events. First, the employer shares the expected organizational outcome creating a heightened sense of personal interest in “higher order needs” (Wright & Pandey, 2010). Second, the shift to transformational leadership creates a sense of defined loyalty which inspires employees to rise above their own needs and motivates him/her to do what is best for the business/company
Avolio, B. J., & Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Transformational and Charismatic Leadership:: the Road Ahead. Emerald Group Publishing.
In this time of transition and uncertainty, research suggests that transformational leadership is highly effective (Straight, 2006). Leadership research has drifted from emphasis on the competence of leaders to “manage change” to the ability to “transform” organizations. Transformational leaders have attributes and behaviors needed to successfully motivate and empower employees. According to Bernard Bass (1990), transformational leadership occurs when a leader transforms, or changes, his or her followers in three important ways that together result in followers trusting the leader, performing behaviors that contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, and being motivated to perform at a high level. Transformational leaders can achieve greater performance by stimulating innovative ways of thinking and transforming follower’s beliefs and aspirations. Maxwell (Maxwell, 2007) articulates that most of the time, influence is more important than formal power or authority. I agree with him. Influence is very important in organizational and co...
Based on Burns (1978) there are two types of basic leadership styles, transformational and transactional. Transactional leaders are in contact with an individual for an exchange that will occur between them while transformational leaders motivate and connect with their followers
Transformational leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles. According to Kendrick (2011), “Transformational leadership involves four factors: 1. idealized influence, 2. inspirational motivation, 3. intellectual stimulation, and 4. individual consideration.” These four factors make transformational leadership have an impact on followers. The goal of transformational leadership is to cause a positive change in individuals, help motivate them, and develop a leader within each individual.
Transformational leaders are described by power fullness while transactional leaders are mainly related with their daily managerial duties. Transactional leaders are more dedicated and committed for supervising the administrative activities whereas the transformational leader leads the followers to another levels of possibilities for their potential
Certainly, an army would not be able to battle in the war without a commander who in charges of the whole strategy. Correspondingly, any organisations cannot function without leaders. Leader is the most substantial element of successful organizations. Becoming outstanding leaders, leadership skill is vital in order to drive the organizations forward. Several leadership principles are extensively used these days. Burns (1978) identified two types of leadership comprise of transactional and transformational leadership. Hence, leaders should be capable to indicate which theory should be applied in accordance with organization’s culture and objectives. This essay aims to evaluate the resemblances and the differences between transactional and transformational leadership as well as the feasibility to utilize a mixture of them by giving the definitions and examples followed by the supporting researches and studies.
According to (Burns), “transformational leadership can be seen when "leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation." the strength of the vision, transformational leaders are get followers to get their expectations, and motivations to work and achive their goals.
TURAN, S., & BEKTAŞ, F. (2013). The Relationship between School Culture and Leadership Practices. Eurasian Journal Of Educational Research (EJER), (52), 155-168.
Transformational leaders birth new transformational leaders. Followers themselves become transformational leaders and a journey of extra mile partnership started.
Transformational leaders are needed to transform low performing organizations to acceptable to high performance. At other times, the leader is expected to move an organization from a crisis. In order to accomplish these tasks, the leader must overhaul the organization culture or subculture. This task is accomplished by nine ways of transforming others: 1. Raise others awareness. The leader makes others aware of the rewards and how to achieve them, i.e. pride in the job or financial incentives. 2. Help others look beyond self-interest. The transformational leader helps others to look at the “big picture” by describing an entire scenario, i.e. if we hire more employees to do x, we will have to make cuts in other areas. 3. Help people find self-fulfillment. The leader helps others not to focus on minor satisfactions, i.e. getting a job done before the deadline ...
As mentioned before, leadership styles take an important role in running a school. Unfortunately, many principals have not yet defined their leadership style and struggle to administrate their school. They are responsible not only of teachers and students, but of every employee in the school. They have the power to control all the resources available to improve and meet academic goals. Despite their power, principals need to identify appropriate leadership styles to succeed as