Conjugal Definition Of Marriage Essay

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Definitions of Marriage, evidence for conjugal relationships It is imperative that one can distinguish between two definitions of marriage, the first being related to the evidence for a conjugal, or marital, relationship. A conjugal relationship concentrates on the universal core functions of marriage, which are usually related to control of or rights over sexual activity, and the legitimisation of children. One can use three basic ideas to formulate a conjugal definition of marriage: 1.1 Stable mated relationships Ember and Ember (1997, ) situate stable mated relationships as the basis for marriage. These relationships are said to be universal because a stable union solves the problem posed by the division of labour. In other words, because men and women are likely to do different tasks, whether due …show more content…

Consider Murdock's definition: “Marriage exists only when the economic and sexual functions are united into one relationship” and that spouses share the proceeds of the division of labour together. Murdock reflects Ember and Ember and Ferraro in that residential cohabitation is seen as a universal feature of marriage. He thus includes these elements in his definition of marriage, but also states that marriage is dependant on how spouses share the proceeds of their division of labour – how they share responsibilities in relation to housekeeping, child rearing, income generation, money, etc. However, are there exceptions to this rule? Are there examples of marriages that do not have permanent residence? Are there examples of marriages that do not share economic and sexual functions? What if the union is homosexual? What if the couple cannot produce children? In addition, in western law, marriage requires legitimisation by the courts or by a religious authority – which is not included in the above

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