Conflict in the Emerald Isle

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Conflict in the Emerald Isle

The island of Ireland is known for many things: St. Patrick’s Day, its green landscape, music, beer, and discord. The heart of this conflict began centuries ago, when Britain came over and forced Protestantism on the Irish Catholic inhabitants. There has always been hatred between the Irish Protestants and Catholics. The island is broken up into to distinct regions. The Republic of Ireland consists of 26 counties, which make up the southern region. This area is predominantly Roman Catholic. Northern Ireland is made up of the 6 northern counties, which are under British rule. This area is predominately Protestant. The conflict between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is based on both religious and political views.

Ireland is a relatively small island off the coast of Great Britain; its land area is 32,424 square miles (Delaney 2). When you think of Ireland you most likely think of shamrocks, St. Patrick, and Guinness beer. Another thing that may come to mind is the struggle between the Catholics and Protestants. The tension between these two religions goes back to the seventeenth century when William of Orange defeated James of England on July 12, 1690, hereby ensuring a Protestant ascendancy in Ireland (Coogan 4). This date is very important to the Protestants in Ireland and is celebrated annually. This was not accepted by many of the Catholic inhabitants. This was their home and

Dodd 2

Catholicism was their religion and they didn’t like Great Britain coming in and forcing Protestantism on them.

Then parliament passed The Act of Union in 1800, which ...

... middle of paper ...

...onal interview. 5 March 2002.

Coogan, Tim Pat. The IRA: A History. Niwot, Co: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 1994.

Delaney, Mary Murray. Of Irish Ways. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1973.

Fraser, T.G. Ireland in Conflict 1922-1998. London: Routledge, 2000.

Golway, Terry. For The Cause of Liberty. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000.

Ito, Tim and Aileen Yoo. “Ireland’s Troubled History”. The Washington Post.Com.

1998. The Washington Post Company. March 12, 2002

O’ Malley, Padraig. The Uncivil Wars: Ireland Today. Boston: Houghton Millflin

Company, 1983.

Wolf, Dr. Charles. “1908-16 Sinn Fein Propaganda Labels”. Rare Books and Special

Collections. 2000. University of Notre Dame. March 12, 2002

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