Conflict In The Most Dangerous Game Persuasive Essay

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Felipe Mateus Block C Mr.Allen Survival Or Death In “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, the narrator specifies the conflict in a variety of ways. For example when Rainsford was running away from General Zaroff and he ran into a problem which was the quicksand. Also when Rainsford was being hunted he remembered a few traps that he used on animals that he would try on Zaroff. Lastly Rainsford was hiding from Zaroff but he was really frightened because he did not want to die. Therefore being hunted is not a good thing because other than dying you can get severely hurt. In a man vs nature situation when Rainsford is running and trying to hide he ran into some problems which almost got him killed. In this journey Rainsford does not only run into problems with general Zaroff he also has some problems with the outside world. “Then as he stepped forward, his foot sank into the ozone”(12). As rainsford gets loose in the jungle from Zaroff, Rainsford runs into some quicksand and almost dies. But Rainsford is really smart and knew what to do because he was a very …show more content…

As Zaroff goes out searching for Rainsford, Rainsford is very frightened because he does not want to die. So he uses some skills that he knows about trapping animals which in this case the animal is Zaroff, but before that he goes on top of the tree. “Rainsford’s impulse was to hurl himself down like a panther, but he saw that the general’s right hand held something metallic-- a small automatic pistol”(11). As he saw the pistol he stayed hidden until the general went home for some rest. As the general went home Rainsford created this booby trap, which if general crossed it a huge log would hit him. When Zaroff came back from his rest, he trips the trap and gets hit in the arm and leaves to treat it. Therefore, a person might not be who they seem to

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