Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet

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Falling in love with someone takes time, similar to sleeping, slowly then all at once. When trying to get over a ruined relationship, it takes time to overcome the lost love. Romeo was dealing with a broken heart over the ‘love of his life’ when his cousin, Benvolio, suggested for him to find someone new to fall for. While at the Capulet’s party, Romeo meets the ‘love of his life’ after laying eyes on another woman, Juliet. Juliet is being used to fill the void that was once full. Romeo attending the Capulet party to find another woman was the most destructive decision in the play because it was rash and thoughtless.
Romeo attended the Capulet party to resolve is pity issues for Rosaline, which ended up become a rash decision based upon emotion. …show more content…

Rosaline inhabits natural beauty and vowed to remain chaste till death. Romeo sobbed, “Well, in that hit you miss: she'll not be hit / With Cupid's arrow; she hath Dian's wit;” (1.1.148-149). Explaining his horrid situation to Benvolio, his cousin, Romeo tries to seek comfort and fill the empty void that romance fulfills. In times of desperation, Benvolio attempts to persuade his cousin how he can find another woman to love by attending the Capulet party instead of hosting a pity party for himself every day. Romeo starts to develop an attachment issue in which he can never be without a woman, because of barely knowing Rosaline, he fell in love with the idea of having someone to call his own. The connection between coupling develops even more after meeting yet another young lady. Nevertheless, the Montague men attend the Capulet party and Romeo finds another true love. Romeo emphasized to himself, “Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! / For I ne'er saw true …show more content…

Romeo showing up at the festival triggered a response of negative impacts on his decisions from the future and on ward. The two teens being so young underlines the root of drama. Falling in love with someone instantaneous completely possible in some cases, but with Romeo and Juliet it wasn't the

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