Conflict: Bangladesh Liberation War

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The Bangladesh Liberation War was a revolutionary war of freedom in South Asia throughout 1971 which built the sovereign republic of Bangladesh. The war set East Pakistan (later joined by India) against West Pakistan, and kept going for over a term of nine months. It saw expansive scale monstrosities, the mass migration of 10 million outcasts and the relocation of 30 million people.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a Bengali patriot legislator and statesman. He was the fundamental freedom guide of Bangladesh and is viewed as the establishing father of the nation. He headed the Awami League and was the first President of Bangladesh throughout the Bangladesh Liberation War, and later became Prime Minister in autonomous Bangladesh. He is referred to as Sheikh Mujib (abbreviated as Mujib or Mujibur, not Rahman), with the privileged title of Bangabandhu which means ‘Friend of Bengal’. His eldest daughter, Sheikh Hasina, is the present leader of the Awami League and the present Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

A supporter of communism, he became famous for his opposition to the ethnic and insti...

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