Conditional and Iterative Data Types
Conditional and Iterative
A programming language cannot be a programming language with out its conditional and iterative structures. Programming languages are built to accomplish the task of controlling computer input and output. A programmer must use every tool available to complete his/her given tasks, and conditional as well as iterative statements are the most basic items of programming which must be mastered. Many different programming languages can demonstrate conditional and iterative statements including C++, Java, Pascal, Qbasic, COBOL, and Scheme. Most of these languages implement conditional and iterative statements in a similar fashion; however, there are a few differences.
The conditional structure is easy to understand and self-defining. The whole statement is base on a condition and its veracity. When the statement or "test" is found to be true, a statement is executed, and if it is false, another test is given or the program continues to the next block. Conditional structures include the simple, two-alternative, multi-alternative, and non-deterministic conditional. The simple conditional is the easiest to understand being the IF-THEN statement.
if *Boolean expression* then *block of statements*
IF a condition is met THEN execute a statement. The two-alternative conditional or IF-ELSE is also easy to understand.
if *Boolean expression* then *block of statements* else *block of statements*
IF a condition is met execute a statement; ELSE the condition was not met so execute a different statement. The multi-alternative conditional is very close to the two-alternative conditional.
if *condition-1* then *statement-block-1* elseif *condition-2* then
elseif *condition-n* then *statement-block-n* [else *statement-block-(n+1)*]
end if
The IF question is asked about a statement, and if it is not true, the next statement is examined. If statement number two is not true, the next statement is examined; then the next statement is examined and so forth until a condition is met, and the control is carried out of the multi-alternative conditional. The non-deterministic conditional is similar to the multi-alternative conditional, because it has multiple conditionals.
if *condition-1* *statement-sequence-1*
when *condition-2* *statement-sequence-2*
when *condition-n* *statement-sequence-n*
end if
The reason multi-alternative and non-deterministic conditionals are different, stems from the release of program's control or flow. The non-deterministic conditional tests each statement to see if its condition is met; whereas the multi-alternative conditional only tests statements until one of the conditions is met. After one of the conditions is met, the multi-alternative conditional releases the program control and fails to check anymore statements. seen as an entity that promotes vile results. However, it is imperative to understand that globalization is multilayered and difficult to fully understand. In the case of child soldiers, globalization has played a pertinent role in unifying international organizations in hopes of finding a solution to this “phenomenon”. On the other hand, although certain international organizations such as United Nations have had a prominent role in advocating against child soldiery, for the following reasons, its attempts are insufficient: it lacks the ability to enforce sanctions established within the international community and it does not do enough to recognize the political, social and economic inequalities that are prevalent in most of these fragile states. Therefore, child soldiery, cannot be eradicated until these issues are dealt with on a collective global scale.
In order to understand the problems with school censorship, one must know why it is done. One reason is bad language. A prime example of this type of censorship occurred in a California school when words like ëdamn' and ëhell' were blacked out of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Students were stunned by the irony of the situation. A book about censorship was being censored (Wright). Sexual activity is another common reason for censorship, along with assaults on family values and violence. Why is this happening when 90% of students surveyed do not believe that books should be censored because they contain offensive language or sexual situations (Survey)? Negative racial treatment of characters, setting, or theme also fuels censorship (Simmons).
Censorship is a concept with several different meanings. To each individual censorship has its own meaning. Is it a violation of our rights or is it a protection for our well being? Censorship in the generic sense refers to the suppression of information, ideas, or opinions. It occurs in all forms of communication from technological media to print media. Each society, culture, or individual's belief is violated by the codes of censorship that our society instills.
All in all, Tennyson’s Ulysses focuses primarily on three important messages: Ulysses’ purpose, his feelings about aging, and his overall attitude toward life. Ulysses makes it very clear that he doesn’t care how long he’s been out at sea on his past journeys, he plans to travel even more because he hates being in one place for a long period of time. He addresses his age because as an older man, you would think he would want to settle down and just watch over his kingdom, but that isn’t his plan. Ulysses makes a point to continue to do what he loves until the day he dies. So how will you choose to live your life? Sit around and wait to die, or embrace every last second?
Operant conditioning is a type of learning where a person is taught that specific actions are related to specific consequences. The main goal of using this type of conditioning is to encourage the individual to change his or her behavior in some way. Specifically, the individual can be encouraged to perform a desired behavior more often through use of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement, and he or she can also be encouraged to perform an undesired behavior less often through use of positive punishment and negative punishment. Positive reinforcement is basically a type of operant conditioning in which an addition or reward is given to the individual when he or she has displayed the desired behavior, and as a result, the behavior
The reinforcement and punishment will determine the maintenance of the behaviour whether will be continue in the future or need to be stopped. The operant conditioning involves the voluntary
When repeating this action several times it helps humans to stay engaged in the cycle of the new behavior because they receive motivation and feedback continuously. My personal experiences have amplified the credibility of operant conditioning because throughout the experiment, I have personally seen the evolution of the student. The change wasn’t obvious in the beginning, but surely after a couple of times they change gradually took place. This is a reflection of empirical theory, which is a theory defined as knowledge derived from surrounding environment and experience, according to webster 's dictionary, because the student is learning from experience that if he learns to distribute his time he will be able to sleep more the night before and still be able to get 90 or above on the tests. Likewise operant condition is also heightened by behaviorism, the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior according to the dictionary, because it showcases how people constantly keep learning and modifying existing behaviors to better themselves. Furthermore giving him/her an encouragement to start the process will only amplify the quickness of his the wanted results. Overall the hypothesis for my experiment is that if I give my
Conditioned reinforcement or Secondary reinforcement is a stimulus that was once neutral (a neutral stimulus does not currently function as a reinforcer; i.e., it does not influence the behavior that it follows) but became established as a reinforcer by being paired with an unconditioned reinforcer or an already established conditioned reinforcer (Miltenberger,
Operant conditioning is a process of reinforcing a response that is made by the stimulus and consequence; thus, it shapes an individual's behavior. If a response happens to go along with the stimulus, then this response is reinforced. Therefore, it will increase the chance that response would be reinforced in the future when the same stimulus is presence. Consequence can be broken down into punishment or reinforcement. A punishment would reduce the undesirable action; while reinforcement increases the desirable action. Positive reinforcement involves with a stimulus such as a reward or treats for good behavior. While, negative reinforcement is eliminated the negative stimulus after the desired response is shown. Positive punishment is when a positive stimulus is introduced after an undesirable behavior. Misbehavior children confined in the house would decrease unfavorable behavior.
Operant condition is a form of learning that can be used to change an unhealthy behavior. One unhealthy behavior that it could be used to change is a friend that doesn’t fasten their seat belt when they are in a vehicle. Whenever this friend rides in a vehicle their seatbelt remains untouched and it has
After my twelfth grade, the inherent ardor I held for Computer Sciencemotivated me to do a bachelors degree in Information Technology. Programming and Math, a paragon of logic and reasoning have always been my favorite subjects since childhood. I still vividly remember the time during my graduation,when I was successful in creating a simple calculator application as a class assignment.The joy I derived from creating something that is used by a lot of people to help them perform complex calculations,made me realize the power of computing in its true sense.It was also in my graduation that I developed an immense interest in programming languages such as Java, C++ an...
Although, within the U.N. Charter of 1945, Article 2(4) prohibits the use of force against ‘the territorial integrity or political independence of any state’ (U.N. Charter, art.2 para.4), it has been suggested by counter-restrictionist international lawyers, that humanitarian intervention does not fall under these criteria, making it legally justifiable under the U.N. Charter (e.g. Damrosch 1991:219 in Baylis and Smith 2001: 481). However, this viewpoint lacks credibility, as it is far from the general international consensus, and unlikely the initial intentions of the draftsmen of the charter. In more recent times, one can examine the emerging doctrine of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’(RtoP), which was adopted unanimously by the UN in 2005, as a far more persuasive example of modern legitimacy of humanitarian intervention. While not consolidated within international law, RtoP, which promotes humanitarian intervention where sovereign states fail in their own responsibility to protect their citizens, does use legal language and functions as a comprehensive international framework to prevent human rights
In operant conditioning, there is an association between an individual’s behavior and its consequence. A consequence can either be reinforcement or punishment (233). Positive and negative reinforcements will increase the behavior. When an individual is reinforced, they will continue to repeat the behavior to receive the reinforcement again. Punishment, on the other hand, will decrease the behavior. If an individual is punished after a particular behavior, they will behave that way less often to avoid the punishment.
It was pure joy to learn how the Boolean logic makes computers work. In my undergraduate study I had taken up courses on Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Data Structures, JAVA, Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Database Management, Web Technology and Mobile Application Development. Practical application aspects were introduced to me through laboratories correspond...
The field of Computer Science is based primarily on computer programing. Programming is the writing of computer programs using letters and numbers to make "code". The average computer programer will write at least a million lines of code in his or her lifetime. But even more important than writting code, a good programer must be able to solve problems and think logicaly.