Conclusion Of The Rosetta Stone

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Have you ever heard about the Rosetta Stone? The Rosetta Stone is a stone that was discovered in 1799 with writing on it in two languages, these being Egyptian and Greek. The writing uses three scripts which are hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek. In the story From The Riddle of The Rosetta Stone Key to Ancient Egypt by James Cross Giblin, the author writes about a sequence of events that affected the discovery of the Rosetta stone. Figuring out the writing on the Rosetta Stone took many mistakes and clever minds, but eventually it was translated after many years and hard work.

The Rosetta Stone is a very important stone that contained unfamiliar script including hieroglyphs and symbols like animals and geometric shapes. Unfortunately when this stone was discovered, no one knew what any of the writing on it meant. Giblin states that no one knew what it meant by talking about the Greeks who sailed up the Nile River asking native after native what was imprinted on the stone. "Not even the oldest Egyptians could tell them, for the language expressed in the hieroglyphs had already been dead for several hundred years" (Giblin). This delayed finding the meaning of the Rosetta Stone, leading the Greeks and French to get frustrated and create their own theory on what the writing meant. Two writers named Horapollo and Kircher attempted to simplify the …show more content…

Throughout the story From The Riddle of The Rosetta Stone Key to Ancient Egypt, James Cross Giblin places many details of scholars accomplishments and findings in chronological order. In effect, the history of the Rosetta Stone is easily comprehensive in this passage because of the organized sequence of events and details. The history behind this story takes effort to tell because of the extensive amount of details and Giblin does it very well with his use of chronological

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