Concise Essay

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• Please submit a concise essay (200 word limit) that clearly describes a challenging life event and how you approached it. After several attempts to conceive, I finally became pregnant in January 2015. The first months felt like a fairy tale to me. I could not stop dreaming about what my baby would look like. My pregnancy brought so much joy to my family. My husband would spend hours touching my stomach. On a Tuesday night of my fourth month, I felt a very weird pain in my pelvic area. I first thought it was just a cramp, but the pain was felt sharper and I suddenly started bleeding. My husband rushed me to the Emergency Room, and that was the end of my fairy tale. I had a miscarriage. I was heartbroken, and it was hard to accept what happen to me. Through time I convince myself to move forward and keep trying to conceive. My husband and my friends played an enormous role during my recovery. I was constantly praying and exercising to free my mind. I also never forgot the conversation I had with the nurse who …show more content…

After she did her work, she waited until my husband stepped out to approach me. I was screaming and calling God all types of names. I could not stop asking myself, “Why me.” The nurse remained calm. She did not interrupt me once; even when I was wrong. She sat on the side of the bed, held my hand, and listened to me cry. She kept nodding and acknowledging my feelings. At the end, she asked me if I believed in God. I answered yes, and she said “keep praying and ask God to give you a healthier child.” I never felt like that before. She did not talk much. She let me express myself without rushing me. I can still remember what she looked like even though it was a year ago. At that time, I knew I wanted to pursue a carreer in nursing. I want to make a difference in people’s life. I want to be a healer when my patients are sick and a comforter when they feel

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