Concept Of Jalswarajya

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3.1 Concept of Jalswarjya schemes and its existing nature –
Jalswarajya is the concept of rural development.Since July 2000; Government of Maharashtra has adopted a demand driven and participatory approach in solving rural drinking water and Sanitation sector problems. There is overwhelming response by the rural masses of the State to this new policy, “Rural development” means the change of economical, social, cultural, political etc. So the concept of rural change is related to rural development. Here the concept of rural development and the concept of rural change is the same concept. The Government for the purpose of rural development launches every scheme or Project. The concept of rural development seems to be changed significantly over the time. The concept of rural development has changed significantly during the last three decades. Until the 1970s, rural development was synonymous with …show more content…

3.2 Visualisation of Process followed in planning and execution To initiate the process of village selection for schemes, the Jalswarajya Project staff sends a letter to every GP in the selected Project areas, including the requirements for acceptance and how to apply. It also puts advertisements in the newspaper so that communities can approach independently. Communities, through their GP, apply to be shortlisted for inclusion in the Project.All villages willing to accept the Project rules receive a scheme unless the number applying in that particular area is greater than the number the Project can support. If this is the case,

The villages are selected based on the following criteria:
• Quantity and quality of available water and state of existing water

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