Concept Of Comfort In Nursing

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The value, act and quality of care that the nurses deliver to their patients’ are nursing. The nurse addresses the patient’s comfort needs and creates a care plan. As the patient’s comfort needs change, the nurse interventions are updated. If the patient feels that they are being cared for properly, they will be emotionally and mentally better, which will aid in their recovery (Kolcaba, 2011).

Authors had written many books on nursing theories which classifies them into various categories. Meleis (1996) had mentioned that nursing theories is a system that integrates holistic and behavioral that have and interaction on human being, environment and nursing interventions. On the other hand, Parse (1987) stated that nursing theoretical …show more content…

Comfort is defined in numerous ways such as, to calm in agony or grief, relief from distress, a person or things that can be comforting, free from worries, anything that makes life easy and inspiration with hope (Webster, 1990). In contemporary English there is four meaning of comfort. First is comfort as a cause of relief from discomfort or a cause of the state of comfort. This is synonymous meaning ‘comfort measure’ as it denotes the cause of comfort. In nursing practice, comfort measures are initiated in response to a specific comfort need. If the measure is successful, the need is met and the outcome is comfort. The second meaning of comfort is a state of ease and satisfaction. When nurses are able to identify and eliminate the cause of a potential discomfort in order to prevent the patient from experiencing discomfort. Therefore, the patient’s state of comfort would exist without even having a state of …show more content…

According to Ferrer (2007), comfort care is practiced via interpersonal process build by self and the conditions encountered both naturally and socially from birth to death. In nursing, researchers had done numerous studies on comfort care (Henderson, 1966; Kolcaba, 1991 & Orem, 1993). Nursing practice do requires an integration of nursing theories and being a nurse I myself would like to know what is the advantage of gaining knowledge in comfort care. World Health Organization (2001) had stated that, when a nurse obtained knowledge and have a clear understanding, it gives a new hope for each and everyone patient’s that steps into the

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